What is Reiki? A Beginner's Guide and History Lesson for the Reiki-Curious
Reiki is a form of energy healing that is of Japanese origin, and it functions based off the idea that through "hands-on-healing," one can restore the flow of Life Force energy/ Ki within one's energy field.
In simple terms, the end-goal when receiving a Reiki treatment [is personal to each person seeking the treatment, but in general] is to promote free-flow of one's energy, to assist with physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease. A Reiki practitioner may be able to identity specific blockages within the client's energetic body, be able to identify energetic attachments, and incorporate other energetic and metaphysical healing modalities for further healing. At surface level, Reiki provides non-invasive relaxation and peace. On a deeper level, Reiki is a powerful energetic tool for releasing harmful habits + energetic attachments, healing past lives + past versions of Self, can be utilized to assist with Shadow integration, promotes identity exploration/strengthen connection to Self, brings one closer to their Spiritual Self and their spiritual gifts, and rebalances one's natural energy to bring alignment to the mind, body, and soul. The benefits of Reiki go on and on!
"Reiki" is commonly pronounced in Western culture as "RAY KEY" and is made up of the two Japanese Kanji concepts: "Rei" and "Ki"- together meaning "Spiritual Energy/ Spiritual-Guided Energy," which we popularly refer to as "Universal Life Force Energy." Reiki is known to be a complimentary and alternative healing modality that pairs beautifully with other forms of healing, such as medical treatments, mental health counseling, body-massage, and more!
A Brief History of Reiki
Reiki is known to have many "branches" or different new-age varieties of the healing practice. As mentioned on my about page, I’m a trained Usui Ryoho Reiki Master, which is the lineage of Reiki that closely follows the teachings and practices of Master Mikau Usui during his time on Earth. There is no "modern founder" because Master Usui is our founder!
Despite crystals and Reiki seemingly going hand and hand, the usage of crystals during Reiki is actually not traditional. Keeping the integrity of the Reiki tradition and healing modality is of the utmost importance to me at Hearts Open Healing, so I view crystals as a complimentary component to my Reiki; Reiki does not need crystals + crystals do not need Reiki. If you prefer to be provided a Reiki experience without crystals, simply tell Meghan at the time of your appointment!
Mikau Usui (seen in photo) is the (re)founder of Reiki (Reiki is believed to be around for thousands of years, some believe even before the beginning of time), in which Reiki presented itself to him during his search to enlightenment on Mount Kurama of Japan in the 1920s. Usui Sensei sat in deep meditation/prayer and fasted for 21 days and on the last day, Master Usui was extremely weak and drained from fasting. He eventually fell so weak, that he fell sick and unconscious. As he arose from his spell of weakness the next day, he was enlightened and healed by Reiki, which revitalized and rejuvenated the once drained Usui who was not sure he was going to see another day before experiencing Reiki energy.
As Mikau Usui had realized his new-found gift of healing, his desire to share the Reiki healing consciousness only expanded! He eventually started a healing society and connected with Hayashi Sensei, and Usui asked him to expand upon the Reiki healing system upon his passing.
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi incorporated the hand-placements and positions into the Reiki practice, alongside a few other changes. Reiki was brought to the USA by being introduced by Ms. Hawayo Takata, whom received Reiki healing from Dr. Hayashi back in Japan due to illness. After experiencing the healing of Reiki herself, she wanted to learn Reiki herself and bring it back to her homeland of Hawaii. She was eventually trained as a Reiki master By Dr. Hayashi, being one of only 13 Masters to be trained by him.
Ms. Takata made a variety of changes to her approach to Reiki, while also keeping the tradition of Usui alive. This is the Reiki we know today!
✺this is not a full-deep dive of the history of Reiki, as there is so much more that goes into this practice and its' history. This is just a quick intro to Reiki; hopefully I'll continue to share more about Reiki and discuss specific parts of the practice more in-depth in the future!
✺ My perspective and explanation of the practice is not an exhaustive overview- I empower you to do your own research and to learn from experience so that you can develop your own perspectives!
Ways to receive a Reiki treatment
Reiki treatments can be performed in person or at a distance, which is commonly offered virtually in today's world, through video chatting platforms. One does not need to be physically present in the room to benefit from Reiki treatment, as the Reiki teachings have distance healing incorporated into the practice. In-person treatments get a better rep for being "more potent" or "more powerful," but I personally find them to be equally as beneficial- it just depends on the client/one receiving a Reiki treatment and their preference for sessions!
For example, an in-person session may be more beneficial for someone who struggles to find a quiet and private space in their personal space, but a positive of having a distance session when one is in their own space is that they can completely make the space completely their own! Reiki can be offered as a stand-alone treatment, which is commonly facilitated in-person through the client laying on a massage table. Reiki can also be offered via sitting in a chair and in group settings, virtually or in person! Or standing/lying on the ground! Reiki can be paired with other treatments, such as facials or body massages, and other kinds of metaphysical healing. Reiki is a flexible modality that can be incorporated into one's life in a variety of ways- which is one reason I love this healing modality so much!
Reiki practitioners can be found in a variety of settings: In medical offices, such as primary care doctors and chiropractors, or in holistic, integrative medicine settings, like acupuncture studios. Salons/spas, mental health agencies, and in-home studios are also common places to find Reiki practitioners!
Distance Reiki
As mentioned, Reiki teachings have incorporated a distance healing symbol that zeros in on providing Reiki healing specifically to past events and past versions of Self. Reiki functions off "Ki," which is the universal energy in all living beings and the world around us. Ki is the Oneness we all share- the Universality of us all. Distance Reiki is possible in this sense because we are all connected and there is Ki all around us! The Reiki practitioner is just channeling the Ki and is functioning as a vessel for the Ki to move through.
A Reiki practitioner practices distance Reiki in a various of ways, all depending on the practitioner. A few ways a practitioner may offer distance Reiki is through crystal grids, through "surrogate" or "bi-proxy," via the practitioner utilizing their own body, even sometimes a stuffed animal, or even an outline of a body on paper. Reiki practitioners have also been known to utilize photos or the written name of the recipient to offer distance healing. A practitioner holding their hands up to the device screen being utilized for video chatting during a treatment is also a popular approach! Whatever the practitioner finds to be fitting for the situation and within their comfort levels is fine!
Who can "Provide Reiki?"
First, Reiki is traditionally more of a Spiritual Path and way-of-life that one devotes themselves to, through building an intimate spiritual relationship with Reiki energy. The art and spiritual practice of Reiki is less about the practitioners ego-centered ability to provide life-changing Reiki treatments to others, and is more about the journey of building a connection with this spiritually-guided energy. The Reiki teachings have great emphasis on self-treatments, meditation and reflection, and integrating the Reiki precepts into one's life to live in alignment with in and out of the Reiki treatment room.
To answer the question: anyone can technically be Reiki attuned and begin their journey as a Reiki practitioner; however, the key word is ATTUNED. Reiki is a form of energy healing that requires an "attunement" from a Reiki Master, meaning Reiki is a practice that is passed down from Master to Teacher. With that being said, anyone can be attuned to Reiki because we all have Life Force energy within. Becoming versed in general energy healing may be a beneficial first-step before diving into any Reiki practitioner courses, though it isn't a necessity. Having a good understanding of your own ability to develop and uphold energetic boundaries as a practitioner is essential. While the Reiki practitioner is not "giving" the receipt their own energy, since Reiki is not coming from the practitioner's personal energy; it's moving through them; when doing any kind of energetic work with another individual, it's important to have an energetic boundary between you and the individual you are serving.
Tips for Choosing a Reiki Practitioner
Of course I'd loveee for you to choose me as your Reiki practitioner (shameless self-plug, because you are reading my blog post, hehe)-But in all seriousness, you will get the most out of your Reiki treatments if you feel completely comfortable with your Reiki practitioner- so I believe trust in your practitioner is a must. Do your research on the practitioner. Reach out and ask questions- ask if they offer free 15 minute consultations to see if you want to work with them. Know that you are entitled to asking questions about a service you are interested in receiving!
I also personally feel as though practitioner ethics are absolutely essential. While Reiki and the professional field of energy healing is unregulated territory for the time-being, working with a practitioner that abides by some form of ethical guidelines is essential for your safety. One way to practice ethics in Reiki is through honoring confidentiality; it's important to know that your practitioner is offering a non-judgemental space that honors the old rule "what is said in here, stays in here." We feel most safe expressing our emotions when we know it's a safe space to do so- Reiki can at times influence emotional reactions, so it's nice when a practitioner makes their client's privacy known!
How to Prepare for a Reiki Treatment
I always tell my clients that the best way to prep for a session is to come with the intention of being open and vulnerable. Energetically vulnerable. We have built up so many protective energetic walls, especially around our heart space, as a form of protection. A big part of the initial Reiki session is uplifting those barriers for the duration of session so that Reiki healing can reach the parts it has to. An openness to Reiki healing is really what matters for session. If you're skeptical because it's your first session and you're not totally sure what to expect- that's completely okay! It's part of the human condition to feel unsure about things we are unfamiliar with. Trust that you are being called to this practice for a reason; trust that it's for your highest good. I truly believe Reiki finds its' way to us when we are in our deepest need of its' healing. Reiki finds us when we need it most.
What You May Experience During a Reiki Treatment
The Reiki experience is beautiful and unique to each person, but there are a few general and common collective experiences upon being connected with the healing modality. Know that none of these experiences are guaranteed!
Physical sensations, such as "pins and needles," warmth, coolness, pulsating, etc.
Color imagery in the mind's eye when eyes are closed during treatment
An emotional response; which can be experienced as intense feelings of joy, peace, and love, and can also be experienced through sadness and at times even anger. These feelings pass, and are sometimes referred to as an "emotional purge." This kind of emotional response is most commonly experienced early on in one's Reiki treatment journey- like the first 1-3 sessions.
A depended understanding and sense of self
Feelings of relief + deep inner peace!
What to do After a Reiki Treatment
Just like when going to an esthetician for a facial, the facial can only do so much and your skin will only truly improve if you are taking care of your skin in-between facial treatments, as well as keeping up with the routine facials as-needed. So in terms of Reiki; Reiki will only help us so much- it's not a cure-all and we most definitely need to integrate all the healing done within a Reiki session, so that the improvements and benefits of Reiki reside with you for a longer amount of time. And having a Reiki treatment regimen can be a great way to implement energetic maintenance into your well-being practice!
A great way to practice integration of your healing from your Reiki treatment is through journaling same-day as your session. Journaling before and after can be a great way to track your personal intentions for sessions, and then the outcome of session. Themes/ topic ideas for journaling post-session: any change in mindset or emotional state, somatic/physical sensations experienced during session and then identifying the chakra that corresponds with that body part- what are your strengths and your weaknesses pertaining to that specific chakra energy field? The list could go on! Make sure you find a bit of time to relax and reconnect with yourself after a Reiki healing treatment. How can we know how we feel if we aren't checking in with ourselves?
I hope this blog post helps you understand Reiki energy healing a bit more! While it's becoming increasingly popular by the day, it's sometimes hard to gain an understanding of Reiki before experiencing it first-hand. If you're feeling called to Reiki as a form of healing for yourself and you would like to begin your Reiki journey with me as your practitioner- I'd be honored! feel free to book a session with me!